Social media is a modern and great way to build your brand, introduce new products and offers, but also to support customers and communicate with your employees. Since social media is the number one activity on the internet today, will you stay out of it? Of course not! Your involvement in the “game” of social media will consolidate, thanks to the experienced team of CityConsulting your presence in them and will ensure the greatest possible exposure and traffic to your website and beyond. In Greece, Facebook is the most popular social media and the presence of a company in it is judged as an integral part of its marketing mix.
Proper corporate use of social media means being authentic in the first place. Authenticity means that every time users see your post, they immediately realize that it comes from your business. Do not forget that the relationship through Facebook (and social media in general) can only be “won”, and this is a bet that we help you win!
This is where CityConsulting undertakes to make a difference, not only because it is based on its experience and scientific training, but because it never rests! We see the internet and of course every social media as a “living organism” that evolves and therefore can be challenged and constantly researched and redefined of any kind of data. The audience is changing, so is Facebook. It is therefore imperative that we experiment, try different approaches and adapt to the new data that emerge as products of the evolutionary process. And for this to happen you need dedication, which in combination with knowledge and experience are the triptych of success that CityConsulting guarantees for you.
Your involvement in the “game” of social media will consolidate, thanks to the experienced team of City Consulting, your presence in them and will ensure the greatest possible exposure and traffic to your website and beyond.
At City Consulting we start from the development of the content strategy to its production with a team of experienced authors, graphic designers and social media experts.
A Facebook page should be managed by experienced professionals. It is not the job of the entrepreneur, whose time is kind of… luxury or of an employee who is in charge of other responsibilities within the company.
City Consulting will find for you the right frequency of posts and when exactly it is best to get the post done to get better results.
City Consulting has the knowledge and experience to give you the right answers at the right time, respecting above all the identity of your business.
It is obvious that experience counts a lot in such cases and the experienced staff of City Consulting can ideally manage every aspect of the internet, which is a fundamental resource for your business.
Every Facebook ad consists of a title, a text body and an image. The amount you will invest in advertising can be from 1 € per day, while there is no time commitment.
Our team of experts knows exactly which hashtags to use for your domain and will also incorporate the style you agree with.
At CityConsulting, we approach your business holistically, so that its emergence in the complex digital environment sufficiently supports its other needs.